Getting Started

You MUST email the following information to

1. Name, first and last.
2. Event or occasion.
3. Relationship to recipient.
4. 5 physical details about the person(s) you want included: ie tall, athletic, blond, etc.
5. Where do they live? 
6. Description of the persons personality(s): ie, beautiful, funny, clever, goofy, reserved, honest, delightful, crazy, fun, adventurous, etc.
7. In addition to facts about the person(s) who is the subject of your poem, is there some event, story or anecdote that you want included?

Disclaimer: Not all of the information you have given me may not appear in the poem. The content depends on the length you have requested, and how it all fits together.  I will do my best to maximize your details to the best of my ability!